VPN Traffic in Shared Website Hosting
You can find the VPN settings that you have to use in your client inside the Hepsia Cp, which is provided with all of our shared website hosting plans. Inside the same section you'll be able to also see all hosting machines which we have worldwide, so you can select the one that you need and any time you access any online content, it'll appear as if you are in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and so on. We keep adding hosting servers from different locations constantly to give you as much freedom to browse online content as possible. For your convenience, we've also included a Virtual private network filter, which blocks ads and other graphics. This will allow you to load sites much faster without spending traffic on content you do not need. Through our Virtual private network service you could easily access social networks, streaming services, blogs and any other information that may not be available within your country or is blocked by your Internet provider for any reason.
VPN Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you host your sites within a semi-dedicated hosting account from our company, you'll find a Virtual private network section inside your Hepsia hosting Cp and all of the info that you require will be listed there. This includes the hostname and the login credentials thatyou need as well as a complete list of the hosting machines we have and their locations. You can use any of them and we keep including new ones in order to provide you with the opportunity to access any content that's restricted to particular countries or is blocked for whatever reason inside your country. With only a few clicks your connection could go through the Netherlands, the US or any of the other locations we provide. We also have a filter that can speed up your connection by blocking adverts and other large content that could produce a lot of traffic. The connection to our VPN servers is encrypted, so nobody can find out what you browse or where you are physically located.
VPN Traffic in VPS
All Linux VPS services that are set up with our advanced in-house built Hepsia Cp provide VPN access at no additional charge on top of the monthly Virtual private server fee and you'll be able to find everything you'll need to use this service within the VPS section of your account. Including the hostname and the login info for the Virtual private network client on your end and the locations of all servers that we have in order to enable you to choose the most suitable one based upon what and where you want to access. The connection shall constantly be encrypted, therefore you'll not have to be concerned that somebody might see what websites you visit or where you actually live. The VPN filter, which you may enable through Hepsia, will filter advertisements and shall compress pictures so as to save you traffic and to enhance your browsing speed. With this totally free service, you can use any online service regardless of whether it is blocked within your home country or if the access to it is restricted exclusively to selected countries.
VPN Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
You can use the VPN access service with our Linux dedicated hosting services if you pick Hepsia for the hosting Cp on the order page and after you log in and navigate to the corresponding section, you will locate the hostname, username and password that you have to use inside your Virtual private network client so as to connect to our system. We have lots of servers throughout the world, which you could use and all your traffic shall be routed through them - Canada, the Netherlands, the US, and so on. Since we try to provide you a better service all the time, we keep including servers to the list. This way you can easily appear as if you're actually inside one of those countries, hence you'll not have any troubles to open a site or access a service, that isn't allowed within your country or is limited to selected countries around the globe. To spare you some traffic and to increase your browsing speed, we have also added a special filter that you can activate through Hepsia to block all advertisements and compress images on the sites that you visit.