A great way to progress from a shared web hosting account to an easy–to–control semi–dedicated web server without any difficulty. Get a simple point and click Control Panel. Host unrestricted domains and databases. Take advantage of 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is .
Universe Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited PgSQL Databases Unlimited FTP Accounts 1 IP Address - » All features
.COM only €16.29/yr VPN Access (5 GB) App Installer Site Builder Site Installer Website Accelerators Website Themes ModSecurity Shared SSL IPs SPAM Protection Advanced Tools
Daily Data Backups Dropbox Backups Assisted Website Transfer 24-core servers w/ 64gb RAM ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail SSDs w/ Data Caching No Data Corruption APC (PHP Opcode Cache) Anti-Virus Protection 24/7 Tech Support Data Compression
Universe hosting at
€32.94/mo.Examine our hosting platform with a 30-day free trial. No credit card information needed.
SSH Access
Cost-free SSH access for your machine
ServeU.net Espana’s Linux semi-dedicated servers come with SSH access, which enables you to communicate directly with the web server, without having to utilize the Site Control Panel. It will be possible to interact with your data files, databases, email and everything connected with your web sites. Since you share the server with only a couple of other people, you will not have root privileges to change the server’s settings.
With the smaller package, SSH access privileges are included as an optional service, whilst with the bigger setup it will come as a cost-free extra.
24x7 Support
Ask us anything you need. We are right here for you around the clock.
Waiting for hours on end to get you reply from the technical support team might be pretty discouraging, irrespective of how unimportant your concern is. This is why, here, at ServeU.net Espana, we give a 1–hour reaction time period assurance, and our specialists in most cases reply within twenty minutes through the ticket system an integral part of the Apps Installer. They are out there for you 24 hours.
Free Dedicated IP
Completely free dedicated IP for your server
A dedicated IP is included for free with the semi-dedicated 2 server plan. You will be able to put it to use from the moment you gain access to the Site Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will be able to increase the uniqueness of your site, to rapidly set up an SSL certificate for your site, or even configure your individual name servers that will resolve to your own IP address.
Plus, if at any time you want an extra dedicated IP address, it is easy to have it at a discount price right from your Site Control Panel.
Email Manager
A fully featured e–mail control system
The Mail Accounts Manager built into the Apps Installer provides you with an easy–to–use user interface with loads of email settings. You can easily forward e–mails to a second mail, install custom inbox filters, regulate the degrees of anti–spam safety, create custom autoresponder emails, SPF–secure your domain name, keep control of e–mail lists, etcetera. Step–by–step email managing video tutorials are contained too.
Faster Performance
Gain the optimal performance rates of speed for your sites
Extremely fast functioning is definitely one of the essential pros of our semi-dedicated hosting services. We have been able to raise the networking data transfer to ten Gbits for the sake of considerably better online connectivity and much faster site loading speeds, to deliver spare servers that make simpler server upkeep processes and cut down service interruptions and outages, and to move client profiles to SSDs, which always provide considerably faster data execution speeds and a far better longevity than regular Hard Disk Drives.
Website Builder
Set up your individual or company web page with a mouse–click
Going on the Internet today is very easy using the Free Site Building Application built into your Apps Installer. Just opt for a web theme from our vast collection of over 100 company and individual web themes and after that upload your webpage articles and other content (photos, text messages, and the like.) with a mouse–click. To introduce your site on the net, just click on the Publish button. It is so easy. You can use the abovementioned builder for all the domains in your hosting account.
Database Manager
A one–stop database administration solution
With the Database Manager included in the Apps Installer, you are provided with the option to speedily and successfully handle all your databases. You are able to generate spanking new databases with only several clicks. We also provide you with thorough MySQL use statistics which will reveal you your most frequently used data bases.
Also, we have made a software tool that lets you back up all of your data bases with only a single click, without needing to log in to the phpMyAdmin system.
Automated protection against hack activities
We provide you with a speedy strategy for defending every single web application in your account, whether it’s newly set up or has been imported from another web hosting service company. All our semi-dedicated hosting services have ModSecurity – an app firewall software, which is turned on automatically. We have configured it to instantly prevent nearly all hacking activities, meaning that immediately after you move your web site with ServeU.net Espana, it will be much more secure than ever before.
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Service guarantees
- Our semi-dedicated hosting services are installed for you at no extra cost. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. No–charge Control Panel provided.
Compare our prices
- Examine the allocations and characteristics offered by our semi-dedicated hosting services. Start out with a smaller server setup and upgrade with just a mouse click when your web presence grows.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Make contact with us whenever you want by email or through the Control Panel incorporated ticketing system. 1–hour reply time frame warranty.